I know I've hit the right chord in life when I can safely say...I love what I do. I've always loved to create. I love colours, landscapes, and working along side my husband! And just about any medium I can put things together in brings me JOY! This past 2015 wedding season has been fabulous! Full of life, colours and new experiences! It was hard to narrow down my top images from the season...an I almost managed 15!
Here are my TOP 15 of 2015 (in no particular order!) PLUS 3 extras since I really couldn't choose! And if you'd like to see Steve's just click HERE.
#1 Brett & Karlie
I love working with cool props and the magic of the night! One of my favourite things about this image is that Karlie didn't even want to get on the bike! Let's just say Harley's aren't her thing...but for Brett, she hiked up her dress and got on the back! That's true love, a willingness to do things for those you love that you aren't too keen on! This scene had to be captured on a tripod to soak up some light from the BeachClub exterior, then we put lights behind the couple with an orange gel to match the orange background light and then a blue led in the foreground to add contrast! Finally Steve held a flash on Brett and Karlie!
#2 Greg & Kelbree
There was so much going on the morning of Greg & Kelbree's wedding, not the least of which was the fact that it was pouring rain for their outdoor, forest wedding. We were at the Beach Club getting ready, and I was looking around for neat little things to shoot through and then spotted Kelbree's reflection in a mirror. And she was smiling like a woman about to walk down the aisle to the love of her life. Rain or no rain. It was awesome.
#3 John & Tricia
This is walk out is just great. I mean how chipper and pumped do Tricia & John look? Two people blissfully in love ready to take on the world together. Their day was full of moments like these!
#4 Bryce & Melanie
I am in love with this image! I love the drama in Melanie's eyelashes, the warmth of their smiles, the framing and their joy! I knew I wanted a very particular framing that would require me to climb (as per usual), so Steve steadied me while I teetered on the fence to get it! Whenever I'm shooting, I typically know when and image will be finished in black and white, and this one screamed "romantic classic"!
#5 Bryce & Hillory
This was a wildly entertaining shot to set up at Hatley Castle! I knew I wanted a little fog in the image...but where to plug in the several extension cords to get the power at a historic castle? All the way up back to the Quarter Deck building a few hundred feet away! Thank goodness for Dads :D Mine is awesome, and he lent me his longest extension cords! Once the fog machine was set and ready, there was the matter of getting Bryce's Mustang properly parked and lighting the scene! I love the juxtaposition of a smokin', modern Mustang in front of Vancouver Islands oldest landmarks!
#6 John & Tricia
It was the end of the night and John decided to celebrate with his boys. It was pitch black outside the hall, but I knew the cigar smoke and the Man needed to be captured. Steve is about 1.5 feet away from John's face with a great little tool, the LED video light. Behind John we put a flash on the ground and then fired away for this epic image of a Man's Man.
#7 Phli & Daylene
There are a few things about this photo. First off, the colours are spectacular. I love the the beautiful blue of the sky, and the boldness of the red! Secondly, that train...is a PARACHUTE! That's just neat. And lastly, the setting. Phil & Daylene's wedding was held at the Dragon's Lodge on Gabriola. It is one of a kind. Hidden away from the rest of the island, it's home to a gorgeous house for you and your guests, has it's own little bay and the famous "Dragon Rock"! It's a stunning venue!
#8 Ian & Kirsty
This moment was classic. Ian & Kirsty's first kiss as man and wife was Gone with the Wind style epic. And Kelly & Elisa's reactions were priceless. Just goes to show you that chivalry is not dead! Thank goodness Sunridge Resort had such a photogenic undercover area to have a ceremony as standing in the rain a few feet away probably wouldn't have got all these amazing smiles and reactions!!
#9 Richard & Breanne
This was one of my favourite photos from the season! I'm thankful every time we go out shooting that I learned how to use speed lights (AKA: Flashes...thanks Jason Groupp, Lance Sullivan & Steve Julien!) One of the most important things for me when I'm composing an image is ensuring the sky & everything else gets its colourful due! I am a colourful woman, living in a vivid world! The sun was shining brightly behind Breanne & Richard and without the use of the lights I fought against learning, I'd of never been able to capture this image in such spectacular colour! They pop from the scene, and you get a great sense of the surroundings! Thank you to my flashes!
#10 Tim & Jacqueline
This was seriously so much fun to compose. It looks simple enough, but trying to find the right height for the details, get the light and the perfect spot in the mirror was a challenge! I think I spent a good 15 minutes putting this shot together and I love it. The framing of it is whimsical, and when I look at this photo I feel like I'm seeing it through the looking glass! It's one of my favourite details shots, save for Steve's floating rings!
#11 John & Tricia
Everything about this photo is magical. The way the greenery wraps around them makes it feel like a secret garden! I love the way the light pours through the trees above and Tricia's laughter! I don't often compose photos with the couple smack in the middle...the in this case the symmetry of the moment was perfect to give you the feeling of a warm, nature-y blanket engulfing you!
#12 Tim & Jacqueline
This image of Tim & Jacqueline always makes me smile. Their grand entrance into their reception at Abkhazi Garden's was so carefree and their dogs couldn't wait to greet all the happy guests! This shot epitomizes the entire day. It reflects the genuine love between T&J and the absolute joy they shared with their closest friends and family. The rest of the night looked just like this.
#13 Brett & Karlie
Ah. The First Dance as husband and wife. I have no idea what they were laughing about, but Brett & Karlie barely made it through standing. I have a photo similar this one on my bedside table from Steve & I's wedding day, except we're sitting at the table laughing. What I love about this image, and ours, is that the whole world is watching...but it seems like it's just them!
#14 Danny & Nadege
I love the warmth from these images. Painter's Lodge in Campbell River makes for in incredibly cozy place to hide away from the rain on a wedding day!
#15 Troy & Mindy
Milner Gardens in Qualicum is one of my favourite locations to shoot! Especially in early summer! We were taking a wander through the pathways when I saw these colourful beauties in bloom! It seemed like the perfect place for a quiet moment between Mindy & Troy!
#16 Cameron & Michelle
I love the classic feeling of this image! This may not make any sense...but, it's such shapely image! LOL! The way Michelle's dress flows behind her, how she's turned into Cam and the laugh they're sharing! It reminds me of strolling the beach with my love, being hand in hand with Steve and chatting about the things we love!
#17 Greg & Kelbree
Kissing under an umbrella seems pretty iconic to me. Truthfully, I hate being rain soaked (who doesn't). BUT, if I'm honest, whenever I look back on rainy photos we've taken, they're all my favourites! I never seem to remember how cold I was taking it, or how flat my hair was the rest of the day, only that it was amazing to create it! Greg & Kelbree nestled themselves into the beach grass, got really close, and as the rain came down they created the magic of their day!
#18 Tanis & Nick
Tanis & Nick's wedding day was WEATHER CRAZY! By far the soggiest, and most unpredictable day of the year! This photo is the perfect example of what it looks like when you take some super sour lemons, squeeze them, add sugar and make tasty lemonade! We were heading out of the woods when I spotted a rainbow...and I LOVE rainbows. They make me stupid happy and excited. I convinced Tanis, Nick AND Steve that I needed just one more shot...and they actually obliged :D From a technical aspect, this one was tough. I was incredibly far away so I had to call Steve just to get the lights & pose in the right place, the call dropped a few times and I was getting nervous they might all just run away into the warmth of the car! To expose for the rainbow, the scene had to be significantly darker, but I had to blast them with enough light to make them pop from the scene! There are two flashes aimed at them (thanks babe!) and then there is one behind as backlight for some definition! Even though our equipment is weather sealed...it has a breaking point and we pushed our camera's to the limit on Tanis & Nick's day. Not to mention, these two were superstars!
I hope you enjoyed taking a cruise through my crazy favourites from the last year! If you missed Steve's Top 15 they are here. Thanks for reading, I can't wait to see what this new year brings!